Tag Archives: community

Why did you become a Volunteer Firefighter?

J.R. Delia joined the Rensselaerville volunteer fire department to help out. He thought

“What better way to help society than to literaly help make things not burn down. I thought I was too old – too out of shape. I’m suprised to find that I’m one of the younger guys. A lot of the stuff they need is not a big time commitment. It’s always a lot of fun.”

You can benefit from this sense of community and shared purpose by joining one of Albany County’s volunteer fire companies.

Learn. Drill. Do. — Join Us.

Apply to become an Albany County volunteer firefighter online at http://achvfire.wufoo.com/forms/z7x3p3/

Skills that save lives — Vehicle extrication

Albany County volunteer firefighters learn critical skills that save lives. They perfect these skills by conducting drills and practicing them in real world situations. Gain this valuable knowledge and put it to work for your community. Join one of Albany County’s volunteer fire companies.

Why become a volunteer firefighter? Life Experiences

Apply to become an Albany County volunteer firefighter online at http://achvfire.wufoo.com/forms/z7x3p3/

William Greenwood became a New Hampshire volunteer firefighter because he witnessed a car accident involving his sister. He saw volunteer firefighters struggle to gather enough members to respond to the emergency, and decided he wanted to be a solution to this problem. You can benefit from this sense of community and shared purpose by joining one of Albany County’s volunteer fire companies.